

We make it easy for you to manage medications for the whole family. You worry about birthdays and anniversaries; we'll take care of their reminders, refills, renewals. We give you peace of mind.
If you are a health care provider, click here to see how Pillway can support your patients.
Get started
Middle-aged daughter helping her senior father in a wheelchair and senior mother with a cane.

We Keep Loved Ones
On Track

Red Pillway box with pill bottle and medicine packet placed in front.

Meds Packaged And Sorted

We provide your loved one with daily dose packaging, labeled by date and time, so it's easy for them to keep track.
Woman waiving and communicating using her cell phone.

You As Primary Contact

Assign yourself as the primary contact, so you can stay informed about your loved ones’ health, and we can call you if needed.
Happy female coordinator holding a large note pad confirming an appointment with a male patient in a video call.

Always Aware
Of Care

Chat with a pharmacist or doctor anytime, from anywhere. We give you less to worry about.
Delivery person standing in front of a house, smiling and giving a ‘thumbs up’, while holding a red Pillway box in the other hand.

Door To Door

We deliver the medication your loved one needs, free, so they are never without it.
Young woman and her senior mom enjoying a laugh.
How Pillway Works

Our Caregiver Promise

Clock with a checkmark in the corner to show always on time.

Medication Reminders

Just one more way we help keep them on track, so you don't need to worry.
Vile of medicine with the Pillway logo.

Refill Management

We’ll contact their doctor and automatically refill and synchronize their medications.
Pillway app on a smart phone.

Easy Transfers

We’ll help transfer their medications and connect with insurance to ensure a smooth process.
Syringe and Inhaler with a plus sign in the middle.

Other Necessities

If they need it, we also provide things like insulin, syringes, inhalers and vitamins.
How Pillway Works

Simplify Your Treatment

Two pill bottles with medications are being poured into a single Pillway packet. Number 1 identifies the packet, number 2 identifies the date, time and medication list and number 3 identifies the personalized QR code.
  • 1

    Personalized Packets

    We sort out the perfect dose for you and clearly list all your medications.

  • 2

    Personalized Notifications

    We advise you of the exact day and time to take every dose.

  • 3

    Tear And Go!

    Each pill packet is individually packaged for you. Take it with you and tear open when needed.


You May Be Wondering

Is Pillway a registered pharmacy in Canada?

Yes! Pillway is a fully registered Canadian pharmacy governed by the Ontario College of Pharmacists and BC College of Pharmacists.

How do I fill my prescription with Pillway?

You can transfer your prescription by calling us directly at 1-833-PILLWAY (745-5929) or by sending a picture via the mobile app.

Once we receive your request we’ll handle the rest. Our pharmacist will contact your current pharmacy directly to transfer your prescriptions over to Pillway. We will also handle your insurance directly and process your prescription with this information.

Moving forward you can have your doctor fax directly to Pillway.

Does Pillway ship specialty medications?

Yes, we can accommodate all medication needs including specialty medications. We can also help patients register for support programs to provide financial assistance.

Is it safe to ship medication?

Yes, it is safe to ship medication. Once your medications have shipped, you will be notified with the tracking details. Our couriers ensure the medication is given to the right person.

Contact us

Want To Learn More About Pillway?

Complete the form below and a member of our pharmacy care team will reach out to you.

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Or reach us by dialling:
 1-833-PILLWAY (745-5929)